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Hi, i'm Claudine! Freshman at Whitney High School, reppin' the class of 2012. God, family, and friends mean the world to me. I love reading books, especially if they're interesting. I couldn't imagine life without music, it really is my therapy. Bonding makes my day & i appreciate people who go out of their comfort zone to act like their selves with no restraint.



May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 March 2011 May 2011


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Sunday, August 31, 2008
♥ 12:34 AM

What a week.. Its been really up and down lately. So on monday, I kinda twisted my ankle while running in volleyball practice, so i had to skip one day, and i couldn't really walk. Then, Wednesday was pick up day! I was supposed to go from 9:30 to 11, but they let us out late in volleyball, and i came like 10:50. I had to fill up all my papers too, cause i fell asleep the night before and i didn't get to finish up stuff. The line for books was so freaking long! and the books were crazy heavy. I forgot to get my locker for PE though. Then me and laney went with ate pia to get her college books for nursing. That was pretty fun. It cost her a total of something like $530? Then we went to CSULB to meet up with the cheas & anthony. We played volleyball for like. 2 to 4 hours, i forget. They tried to teach me to overhand tooo, it was sooo fun. They're really chill to be with. Thursday was the last day of volleyball practice for this week, we played against the JV team. I didn't play that muuch. i think i kinda froze up too, cause i was nervous & it was our first "game". Yesterday was a long day. Me, ate pia, and liz woke up at like 8 something, then we went to the swap meet in paramount till like 12. It was so hot and tiring, but there were alot of cute clothes. Some of the people were meaan tho. Then we went to chuck e cheese! We havent been there in foreeeever. originally we were just gonna go get some pizza, but we ended up staying there to play. I love the basketball one. haha. I was supposed to go to this bonding thing for volleyball at the park, and i really wanted to too. My parents actually said yes. but then we had to leave early for this sleepover thing for COH, this religious community thing my family's a part of, that was planned for awhile now. It was my first sleepover EVER! cause my parents NEVER let us sleep over. Even to my cousin's house, which is like 20 steps away. It's cause they think we might say we're sleeping over, and then go somewhere else. Or they're just really protective. Anyways, they actually let us cause it was for COH. We stayed at ate abbie's house. i didn't know it would be that big. well first we got dropped off at marione's plaaaace so they could take us since its all the way in riverside. We biked, and it was fuuuun. Then when we got to ate abbie's, we went to the community swimming pool, but only a few swimmed. The rest just played cards. I think we were 10 in total. When we got back, we watched sisterhood of traveling pants. Then we played sequence. i love that gaame. So intense. ahha. After, we watched what happens in vegas. i like that movie. it's cute. i didnt expect it to be so funny. by the time it finished, it was like 3am going on 4. & we weren't sleepy yet, so we played cards. it was crazy fun. we played all these games, and whoever lost had to drink a cup of water, no bathroom breaks allowed. haha. I ended up sleeping at 5:30 ish, but i woke up at 9 to eat breakfast. then i slept till 12 again. haha. everyone slept in the weirdest places cause we all fell asleep downstairs. some slept on the kitchen table and the stairs. ahha. Then we drove to cerritos mall & ate there. there were so much people! i wanted to stay and go shopping, but we had to go. I think we're going back tomorrow thoughh. We just finished watching golden compass. Now we're gonna watch vantage point i think. Now my sleeping times are messed up f'shure. haha. Arighhht, bye!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
♥ 11:24 AM

I just got back from vacation 2 days ago, and i have to say that it was way better than i expected. I love road trips, and we had alot of fun during the drives. We took pictures, pigged out, messed around, sang, and slept. ahah. So on Saturday, we drove to grand canyon. We left at like 8 am i think? i forget. but anyways, i think that was the worst day in our vacation. not that it was bad, but like the weather there wasn't that great. On the way, there was a hailstorm and it was the first one we ever experienced except my brother so it was pretty scary. It seemed like the windows of the car would break if we kept going on so we had to hide out under a gas station for awhile. and then we took forever looking for a church to hear mass in since tomorrow was sunday and we thought it would be better to just go so we wouldn't have to the next day. Then we were looking for a place to sleep but every single one was already booked cause it was really late and there were alot of tourists. We went to like, more than 10 places, and had to go back and forth for like 2 hours or something. My sister finally got a room at holiday inn after calling. Sunday, we went to grand canyon, and it was amazing beyond belief. I couldn't believe how beautiful the whole place was. We took a bunch of pictures but it was kinda scary cause there was a sign and it said alot of people died falling off the rocks. =l Then we drove to laughlin and slept there for the night, we stayed at harrahs. It was way hotter there than in grand canyon! The temperature was ranging around 108. Monday was our water day, well first we checked out the places nearby and then we went jet skiing! It was my first time, and i loved it. Well the first time, it was my brother driving and me and liz were riding on, and then my brother was like, you guys drive and i was kinda deciding whether not to cause you were supposed to be 18 or older, and if something went wrong you had to pay $400, but i wanted to try it, so he taught us. & it was freaaking craazy! it was scary, but super fun in the end, y'kno? I went 45mph! yeeeee' (: & then liz tried it and she was really goood, but she tried to turn around this one time and all of us freaking fell in the water. ahahaha. Later at night, we went swimming at the adult beach, and it was so relaxing, but then we got caught cause this guard came and it's only supposed to be 18 and older cause there was a bar, but it was closed anyways, but he was all like, you guys arent supposed to be here, and he reported on his thing 4 minors. My sister got mad cause she was 20 tho, but you know how we all look the young & the same age cause of our height. ahahha. Tuesday, we drove to vegaaas! We went to this really big buffet at Rio Grande and it was so craazy, they had food from like every country. Well not every country but like, Chinese, Japanese, Italy, US, and a bunch more, it was HUGE, oh and they had this big lane for dessert! just looking at all the food made me full. ahah. but it was $16 each, so we couldn't just eat 1 plate. i ended up eating 3 plaaaates, plus dessert and that's like the most i've ever eaten at a buffet. I could barely walk after, and everyone was so full. ahah. We drove to hoover dam, and my brother told us that's where the last part of transformers was shot. cool, huh? anyways, the view was really pretty there too. We drove back to vegas after but it was still like late afternoon and we all wanted to wait for night time to see all the lights so we went to an outlet first. My dad bought us each stuff from converse, and i got these really cute shoes. lol. & then he bought this expensive bag for my mom that she wanted, it was sweet. By the time we finished, it was already nighttime so we drove around vegas, and it was so pretty with all the lights & everything! I wish we went down, but we were already so tired and we had to get back to the hotel at laughlin's. Wednesday, we went to Lake Havasu, and i thought it would be bigger and better, but it was pretty still. We didn't stay there long. We went to another buffet cause my dad loves chinese food and it was a chinese buffet, so we ate there and dang, i got crazy full tooo, then we went back to laughlin. It really is pretty at laughlin during nighttime. It's like a mini vegas. Anyways, by the time we got back it was like 3 in the afternoon, and so me and laney went to the beach behind harrahs, it was really part of colorado river but they added sand and stuff to make it seem like a beach. ahah. the water was freezing! the coldest i've ever swam in, but i got used to it. Then we had to go back in at like 6 to get ready for this show we were gonna watch. i took a bubble bath, and it felt soooo good. hehe. i haven't had one in years. Then we watched earl turner, and i didn't expect to like it at first cause we were like the only young ones in the audience. He sang all these old songs, and i kinda knew them cause my dad loves old songs and he always plays them at home so i wasn't completely clueless. But he sure knew how to entertain, and later on my family was telling me they heard my laugh throughout the old show cause i was so loud. ahah, but he really was funny! they were laughing too. (: Thursday was our last day at laughlin, we went to this outlet store in the city and every store was like on sale. We stayed for like 2 hours and then drove back home. & here we are. Oh, we watched the olympics like every night during our stay, and i got so hoooked cause everyone's so crazy. especially in volleyball and gymnastics! haha. I think during that vacation, we ate the most we ever had in 2 vacations. Cause we ate in fast food places at least 2 times a day, everyday, and we ate in 2 buffets. I could've sworn i gained like 10 pounds. ahha. I loved every single minute of it though. Because it was kinda awkward with my brother and us sisters cause some of my sisters had a confrontation with him on letter, and idk, that was the first time we would be together after the whole thing. I kinda held grudges against him and i had no idea how it would turn out to be, but he was great. It's like nothing ever happened and we were all messing around like before. I realized how much my family meant to me. Well i already knew before, but it hit me even harder, you know? We all got so much closer, and we bonded alot. When i got back home, i was feeling so happy. I went to volleyball the next day and i sucked even more than usual, if that's even possible. haha. whatever tho, i just do it for fun & cause i love it. I dont know though, everytime i'm around them, my self confidence sorta gets down, and i barely talk at all. I'm not sure why. It's not them though, they're really cool people. Maybe i just have to get used to it. Anyways, during practice, i tried to talk to my friend i was talking about in the previous post, but i couldn't. I think we made like eye contact twice, but she looked away. or it's just me. I'm so confused. i really don't want our friendship to end, but i dont even know if it's even still there. aaah, i'm not gonna end this on an emo note. ahah. My sisters and i are watching a new taiwanese drama. It's called Brown Sugar Macchiato. It's really over dramatic how they do things sometimes, but it can be funny and it's still pretty good. I like it. (: OH, and i finally finished new moon during vacation and now im on eclipse! I read like half the day yesterday non stop and i'm in the middle right now. Dang, this post is so lonnnng! I think i'm more comfortable writing about stuff and how i feel here now. Well if you read this whole thing.. you're pretty crazy. :D


Saturday, August 16, 2008
♥ 12:19 AM

Today has been so freeaking tiring! I was out from like noon to 9 in the evening. We had alot of errands to run for our trip. yeeeee', i'm so freaking excited. So we started out going to target & then tambuli for food. We went to bank of america and dropped liz off at the mall. & then we tooook the longest time at kaiser's. I got my HPV! i was sooo scared, i wasn't even scheduled to get it, and i promised i wouldn't. Everyone was saying that it hurt reaal bad, so i was kinda eh about taking it. But my sister convinced me cause if i didn't and i got HPV from a guy, the results would be really nasty. ahah. So i was expecting the worst, but it wasn't even that baad. I guess cause i was expecting it to hurt so much, i was surprised it didn't hurt much at all. Oh and i saw alot of people from whitney today! i was kinad surprised cause i barely see them at random places, but i saw like 6 of them todaay. I'm so exhausted, I just wanna drop but i still have to pack. =l Oh yeah, my brother came from arizona today to come with us to vacation.. i dont know if its gonna be weird, awkward or fun, but i hope it's fun & we all bond. I think we're gonnna go to grand canyon, and then to laughlin, then lake havasu and somewhere in vegas.. I'll be back in a weeek! (:

Friday, August 15, 2008
♥ 12:40 AM

I'm so frustrated. I feel so out of it, and completely not myself. I realized how far I've grown apart from my friends, and i hate it. I don't know, like today, i stayed after volleyball for like the first time ever, and it was weird cause as much as i wanted to talk to everyone, i couldn't open up, and i couldn't be myself. It was like meeting them all over again and not knowing each other. There's only like.. 5 people there who actually talk to me & tries to make a conversation. I thought I was excited to start new with freshman year, but i have absolutely no confidence now. I wish i could just do or say whatever without caring what anyone thinks, but i cant. and with this one person, i hate what's happening with our friendship. I wanna try, but I just freeze up when im around her. Everything's so different, and I honestly have no idea how things are gonna end up. I don't wanna let go and end everything, but it's getting too frustrating.. too confusing. And to make things worse, i got into a fight with my dad again today, there's so much tension between us right now, but hopefully things get better. I can't wait till vacation where i can just forget everything. okay, sorry for being depressing and totally venting out here. Today was the last day of practice for volleyball this weeek! woohoooo. it wasn't that tiring, but i accidentally bumped the ball on my thumb bone thing too many times and now i think there's a bruise cause it hurts when i move it around and stuff. Then I slept from like 12 to 5. Oh, and I just watched Penelope! that movie was so cuute, i liked it. (: Okay, well i'm gonna go watch more olympics. The gymnists are so freaking crazy goood. ahah. Night!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
♥ 11:14 PM

Hi, all! (: Ah, i can't believe summer's ending. Just when it starts to get real fuun. Yesterday, we went over to the agulto's (my cousins) house and went swimming, it was sooooo fun! we played so many games, and we got way closer. Then, we pigged out and watched Forgetting Sarah Marshalls. and dude, that movie's even worse than knocked up in the sexual area, daaang, no joke. My mom saw part of it, and she got mad. aha. but it was funnny i guesss. Then today, my sisters, my mom, leanne, and i went to an open house in this one gated place where they're building new houses, and it's so pretty! & it was kinda funny cause in one model house, they had this huge poster of zac efron, and it was framed. ahah. After, we went to the library and that was pretty fuun too. We dropped leanne off and ended up watching part of the beach volleyball in the olympics. Walsh is so freaaking goood, and her team mate too, freaking craazy.

I'm so freaking sore from volleyball. The coach worked us hard like yesterday and made us do all these frog jumps, and lunges. Good thing tomorrow's the last day for the week. I got so frustrated at my dad this morning though. Idno why, i think i get mad too easily, i really hate that. But maybe I was just reaal tired from volleyball. I just hate it how people tell you what to do with your life and how to do it.

So now i'm reading the 2nd book after a great and terrible beauty, which is rebel angels. So far, it's really goood. (: Dang, i have sooo many books in my list to finish before school starts. I have like, 10 or more books in my list. ahah, but i really doubt i'll finishh. Ah, i can't wait till vacationn. I'm gonna relax and rest and swim like the whole time. I really wanna get a tan, i've been trying since last summer but i barely get darker. lol. but i love road trips and family bonding, so i'm pretty sure it'll be amazing. Arighht, ima go watch michael phelps now, that freaking hottie. ahahaha!

Sunday, August 10, 2008
another ordinary day ♥ 7:39 PM

whoaah, it's been really long since i've written on this thing. i knew i wouldn't be able to keeep up, but now ima try even harder. ahah. so a whole bunch of stuff has happened since may. & it'll probably take me forever to try and actually write all those stuff done. So anyways, it's summmer for me and it isn't as boring as i thought it would be! it's actually really really fun, and my life has been more stable & nice lately. The other day, i hung out with amrita, and it was amazing as always. 8) my brother & his gf got back from the philippines that night, but they went back to arizona the day after. Yesterday, i went kayaking with my sisters, the cheas, and frank, for the first time, and the houses & boats & everything were so pretty! it would be pretty nice to live by the water and be surrounded with all that nice places. anyways, freaking ashy flipped over the kayak when we just finished, and i got all wet & the paddle hit my head, so now i have a huge bump. ahah. but it's arighhht, cause it was real fuun and interesting. Plus, we got to bond. At night, we were practicing volleyball and my sister, Pia, kicked the ball and it went on the roof and landed on my neighbor's backyard. HAHA. so we had to ask them for it. (: Today, i just went to churchh, and watched aquamarine. That movie is so cuute! i love it. After, i went with my mom and my sister, Liezl, to Kohls to buy new shoes cause we haven't had new ones for like 3 years now. I found really cute ones, but i feel kinda bad cause it was so expensive, freaking 75 bucks. -__- My mom said it was arighhht though, cause i'd be using it for a long time, so i guess it's fine. I'm having the hardest time looking for a background for this thing. I always find a cute one, but when i try to save it, it doesn't let me. If you wanna help me, be my guest! I'm starting a new taiwanese drama with my sisters! It's called Brown Sugar Macchiato. haha. okaay, later!