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Hi, i'm Claudine! Freshman at Whitney High School, reppin' the class of 2012. God, family, and friends mean the world to me. I love reading books, especially if they're interesting. I couldn't imagine life without music, it really is my therapy. Bonding makes my day & i appreciate people who go out of their comfort zone to act like their selves with no restraint.



May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 March 2011 May 2011


x x x x
Sunday, December 28, 2008
♥ 8:57 PM

we ate at boiling crab today. and it was so freaking good!
we didn't have plates or spoons and forks. we just had bibs
and napkins and paper was used as the table. and we ate shrimp
and all these seafood with our hands. their fries comes second
best next to wingstop fries. (:

i've been playing wii play & guitar heroes for like 5 hours now..
i should be more productive huh. but i haven't signed on myspace
or facebook or aim or anything! so that's pretty good, right?

oh, i'm reading this book right now by sarah dessen and its called
keeping the moon. i like it, its good. her books are so deep. i
wanna read more of what she writes. hehe. you know in the philippines,
they're making a new show of twilight in tagalog? =O kinda weird. but
maybe it'll actually turn out good? we'll see. i dont even know if ima
watch it. haha. they might make it super different.

& i can't find my charger. so i cant charge my phone. and its been
dead for days now. which kinda sucks, but whatever. this always
happens. i always either lose my phone or my charger. =l

we've been trying to find tickets to wicked! cause my family & i really
really wanna watch it. but its so freaking expensive. but i think it
would be worth it. especially since it'll stop showing soon.

wow, i jumped from topic to topic today. but i've been starting to update
more daily. so that's good. mkaay, ima go play again. hope you guys are
enjoying your breaks! (:

Friday, December 26, 2008
♥ 11:57 PM

Guess what, guess what? yesterday, my brother got us a wii & the guitar hero world tour dual guitar starter pack thing for a christmas present. so we played practically the whole day. haha. it was fun thoughh. (: but it doesn't have the drums & the mic cause my brother got the one with the 2 guitars and the game for guitar hero world tour & guitar hero 3. & they're not selling the drums by itself yet, i dont think. but whatever. today, me, liz, my brother and his girlfriend watched yes man! i actually liked it. i thought it was gonna be lame, but it was pretty good & funny. & then we sneaked in to see marley & me. it was pretty good too, i liked it. but it's really sad. :( they're playing so many good movies now. like, i wanted to watch the curious case of benjamin button too. i think that's what its called. but it looks so interesting. but sad. yeahh. i'm watching big daddy right now. cole & dylan sprouse looked so dang cute when they were young. man, this break is seriously going by so fast. i dont wanna go back to school yet. mkaay, well i gotta go wash dishes. bye!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
♥ 10:51 PM

so let me start out by saying that my christmas this year was amazing. it totally made up for all the crappy stuff this year. i guess family just has a way of making it all feel better, you know? well mine does anyways, and i'm really grateful for that. so midnight last night, we went midnight mass. there were alot of people kinda. and then we wrapped gifts and stuff till 4. ahah. but i watched ratatouille while wrapping so i didn't really fall asleep. and then we went to our relatives', the agultos, house just like we do every year. it was so crazy! cause we always watch lakers games with them when we can and today was the game against celtics. i really didn't think they would win, but they did. & it was so intense! that was the first time i ever watched the whole game. cause usually i just watch the 3rd & 4th quarter, but i sat through this one. and it was totally worth it. haha, we kept screaming and it was super loud, but it was fun. (: i love the lakers!! hehe.

after, my parents went to pick up my brother & his girlfriend from the bus station & i got to catch up on this show i used to watch but never finished. its called wildfire. & its super good too! but i dont know if you guys would think so, so i'm not telling you to watch it or anything. but yeah, i'm on season 2. (: and theen we finally got to open presents! it was really fun. i know christmas isnt all about presents, but that really is one of my favorite parts. & this year, my sisters got me rollerblades! haha, i was so happy. they kinda tricked me. cause first they just gave me this box and all it had in it was the protection stuff for rollerblading. and i was just like, "oh thanks". but then they came out with this bigger box & then yeah. haha. kinda scary, but i really wanna try it out.

maaan, i don't like how fast this break is going. :( & i can't believe christmas is over in an hour. well i hope you guys had a super fun christmas too! & that you all enjoyed your presents. :D

♥ 4:01 AM


& Merry Christmas to all. (:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
♥ 10:06 PM

my break so far has been super fun. but
extremely tiring. i've been shopping for
christmas presents the whole day yesterday
& today. haha. its going by really fast
though. so my brother and his girlfriend
are coming tomorrow. and we have to wait to
open presents and stuff. cause usually its
our ritual to open them midnight of christmas
eve. but they're arriving by bus tomorrow
evening. which kinda sucks cause everyone's
suspense of what they're getting is building
up. oh well. (: current christmas songs i
love to play over & over again: Baby it's
cold outside- jessica simpson & nick lachey,
and this gift- 98 degrees. you should listen
to them, they're pretty good. (:

Sunday, December 21, 2008
♥ 11:10 PM

So i just finished watching this movie
called A Beautiful Mind. & at first i
didnt even wanna watch it, cause it was
something my sister wanted me to watch
with her for school. but it ended up
being soo goood! i loved it. & its super
twisted. & touching. i love movies like
that. haha. just wanted to share (: you
guys should watch it!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
the spirit of christmas ♥ 8:32 PM

i haven't updated in awhile. which makes me really sad.
cause i really wanted to update everyday. haha.
but anyways! i just wanted to say that i feel super
accomplished. cause i just got home from the mall & i
finished buying my christmas presents for my friends.
i really thought i wouldn't cause it seemed so impossible.
but i did! & i'm sooo freaking tired right now, i have
blisters all over my feet. but i'm happy. (: i really
can feel the spirit of christmas. everyone's so nice &
happy and it just feels nice everywhere, you know? hehe.

i've been counting down to this day for like. 2 weeks now.
and we're not really even doing anything tomorrow cause
its just short day. (: but i have to drop off my mommy to
the airport, cause she's going to arizona. :( but at least
she's coming back in like 2 days. hehe. mkaay, have to
finish wrapping presents, but i'll probably update later.
latest during winter break, but update soon fshuure. (:

Thursday, December 11, 2008
♥ 8:54 PM

more formal asking today! cuute stuff. :)

i have so much homework today =l :

English- Persuasive essay for The Crucible

Math- Chapter 5 test #'s 1-24 and EC: #'s 2-42 even

Science- Read 6.6 and do Study Guide

History- Read Chapter 12.2 and do Q's 1-8

Spanish- Pg. 162, 2 paragraps thing.

& i wanted to finish by 10PM too. but that's kinda impossible
cause i didn't even start yet. i really need to stop using
the computer so much.

1 more week and 1 day till winter break!
14 more days till Christmas! (:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
this isn't fun. :( ♥ 9:43 PM

ahhh, i hate being sick;
i keep sneezing, my nose
is congested, and my head
is pounding like a mother.

live your life (: ♥ 7:14 PM

i'm pretty much lovinn' this week. kinda getting used to the rollercoaster emotional feel of my life. hahahha. but anyways. yesterday was early release day! so i went to tc with tiffanyyeh. it was fun. (: & then i went to the mall with my sisters for about an hour? we got home by 8, and i just fell asleep. & next thing i know, i wake up & its like. 7 in the morning. so 11 hours of sleeep. maan, i really needed that. i felt so refreshed! & thats the longest ive ever slept this year during a school day. :D today was pretty goood! i love making new friends hehe. & so many people got asked to formal today! super cute. & i finally went to the swim place in cpe & signed up. i kinda sorta wanna swim foreal now. teehee. freaking, in breusch today, my class was so freaking loud! so instead of just doing 12 problems for homework, we get to do 42. joy. -__- mkaaay, well i'm trying to finish hw early today. x) so no more distractions.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
♥ 11:01 PM

too many words, too little time.

i'll edit this post later! (:

Friday, December 5, 2008
♥ 12:29 AM

Today was just one of those regular, boring school days.
its getting so repetitive nowadays, i barely even think
about what we do anymore. haha. nothing interesting lately.
my life's so boring! i want something exciting to happen (:
oh, i broke my running record again! this time by four seconds.
so its 2:07. i wanna try getting 2 minutes flat. i still dont
know if im doing swim. kinda scared to try & see how fast
i can actually go. but then how would i improve, right?
confirmation again today. it's not so bad anymore. i'm
actually okay with it now. learned alot, and im more open
to things. my stomach was hurting the whole time though. =l
maaan, so much homework today. & i kinda wanna sleep earlier
than usual today, so good night!

21 more days till christmas! (:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
♥ 10:33 PM

i swear, something's wrong with me.
i keep shutting out everyone i'm close to.
it's like every friendship i have, no matter
how amazing, i can't seem to stop messing it
all up. if i had to bet on something i know
would surely happen in the future, it would
be me doing something stupid to ruin my
friendship with someone. i'm tired of it.
i wish i could change that about me, but its not
the easiest thing to do..

"Sometimes we take for granted the people in our lives that mean so much and when we finally realize that, it can be too late."