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Hi, i'm Claudine! Freshman at Whitney High School, reppin' the class of 2012. God, family, and friends mean the world to me. I love reading books, especially if they're interesting. I couldn't imagine life without music, it really is my therapy. Bonding makes my day & i appreciate people who go out of their comfort zone to act like their selves with no restraint.



May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 March 2011 May 2011


x x x x
Friday, January 30, 2009
♥ 11:24 PM

i'm doing pretty well updating more regularly, yeah? (:
kay, so comps oficially ended on wednesday. went to tc with
tiffany & sarah, pretty fun. then thursday was the retreat!
i really really thought it was all gonna be about sex. but
turns out it was anything but. sort of. so then it was a
really long day. but i thought it was pretty interesting!
i liked the one where the alumnis came back & talked to us,
and when the teen parents talked to us too! it was kinda
hard for me to take in at first that they were around our
age when they got pregnant. but i think they're really cool
for stepping up & taking the responsibility. (: ohh, & i
liked the one where we talked about cheating and
relationships. so, pretty chill day. today i just watched one
tree hill & went with sarah's church youth group thing to east
west ice palace. it was really really fun but super cold. & you
know, usually everytime i go, i stay by the rails thing like,
the whole time till the very last 10 minutes. & then the next
time i go, i have to do the same thing. but today, i went to
the middle & all around most of the time! :D i think rollerblading
helped. & i met new people. & i officially got introduced to tim
chai. i never knew he was sarah's cousin! but yeah, it was fun.
wish we had the whole next week off & we didnt have to go back.

the worst part is,
its so easy to picture it.
& i want it bad.

♥ 6:40 PM

i'm through with guys. for real this time

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
♥ 1:13 AM

ahhhh. i hate comps. i really do. i'm seriously sleep deprived and i'm falling back to my old habit of sleeping late D: man. my eyes are falling & its so hard to keep them open. but i still have to study for spanish & bio. i hate studying last minute. its so frustrating & kinda pointless. can't wait for 12:30 today! :D and then retreat tomorrow.. haha. i still find it funny, the topic i mean. i'd rather stay home but at least we don't have to follow the regular schedule. you know, it was so sad cause we were supposed to have confirmation 2 times instead of once this week & i was pissed about it. & then we found out that we dont have to go this thursday because one of the facilitator's wife died. & its great that we have no class and all, but the reason for it is so sad.. just thinking about losing someone important is depressing me. k, so i'm probably gonna get a maximum of 2 hours of sleep. i swear, ima' be so dead tomorrow. 11 more hours till its all over!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
♥ 12:25 AM

first day of comps today! but i was so tired, i couldn't even open my eyes when i woke up. cause i fell asleep on the couch at 2 and then i woke up like after every after until 5. & then i had to study again D: i had history & math today. both weren't that bad as i thought. i think i actually got math free response! which is really weird cause i usually bomb that part. anyways, the day just felt super long. but i felt accomplished after (: so i basically wasted my day. i just played guitar hero & watched an episode of gossip girl & ugly betty and started this new korean drama hanna woo recommended, its called snow white. hehe. & i STILL cant think of what to write about for my english essay tomorrow. i think its harder when teachers dont specify what you do sometimes. and i dont really have a creative mind so its not like i can come up with anything amazing or something. k, well study hard guys! 2 down, 4 more to go. :D

Saturday, January 24, 2009
♥ 2:41 PM

I really am working on updating more regularly now. (:
yesterday, was seriously the happiest i've been in
a long time. like sincerely happy, you know? not those
fake pretend ones. not to sound emo or anything. haha.
& you know what? it felt good. it was raining yesterday!
and so we had to stay inside for lunch, but that was the
fun part! andreadeleon & tiffanyyeh made my day. <3

we finished watching this movie in history about the
first christmas in world war 1, its called joyeaux noel,
i think. it was pretty good, but really sad & i think the
ending coulda been better. & i actually loved the fact
that it rained yesterday, even if it was all cold & dark.
because then we didn't have to run the stupid mile for pe!
hehe. & then homecoming. i got to bond with fatima friends!
we should hang out more, yeah? (: anyways. i dont know how
to describe it. i think i was expecting too much, but it
was still super fun in the end. the game was intense!
everyone was seriously into it and i got carried away with
the crowd. but it was also pretty sad cause oxford & whitney
people kept being nasty to each other. and i felt bad. cause.
i dont know, i know we're rival schools and all but still
you shoulda seen it. and i felt bad for this one player from
oxford cause, everyone from whitney was making fun of him.
but it WAS pretty funny. cause he kept airballing, so
everytime they put him in or he got the ball, everyone from
whitney would cheer. haha but then i stopped feeling bad
when this one player acted freaking stupid. -__- whitney
all the way. (: i seriously love our school. like sometimes
it could be really boring and stuff, but at the end, there's
always that family like feeling you know?

last night i fell asleep studying. i have history & math on
monday & i really really need a good grade for math. which
seems kinda impossible cause i've been doing pretty crappy
for the last couple of tests. but whatever. i told myself
i'd take a break from 1:30 to 2 at first, but it is now
2:55 D: stupid distractions.. okay well im gonna go study
my ass off now. goood luck guys! it'll all be over on wednesday, (:

Friday, January 23, 2009
♥ 1:55 AM

i miss blogging! i always update for like. this period of
time & then i suddenly stop. and then i get too lazy to
update so i keep putting it off but then when i actually
write up one post again, i'm addicted to it. weird, huh.
but anywaays. life hasn't been interesting so good news,
you didnt really miss out on anything. (:

so yesterday was my sister's 21st birthday! she's so freaking
old now. we went out to eat at original roadhouse grill
& it was okay, nothing special. she's gonna go to vegas
today till sunday with her friends. freaking lucky, i never
even thought it was possible for my parents to agree to it.
comps are coming up! freshman year flew by so freaking fast.
it seriously does not feel like the end of the 2nd quarter.
but i hate semester comps. cause then most of the teachers
test you on stuff from the 1st quarter too and then there's
this whole bunch of crap we need to remember. but then its
kinda pointless cause i end up forgetting everything after.
ahh, i seriously cannot tolerate running the stupid mile
everyday for athletics now. because my calves are seriously
killing me. im not even kidding. last week, it just started
hurting after i ran, but this week. shit man, it starts
throbbing & all that stuff while im actually running. i end
up limping too. and i dont know whats wrong. andrea has it too,
we started the same time. & its really weird. Oh, i started
watching one tree hill last weekend! & its so freaking intense
& crazy & cute & everything you could possibly think of. i
damaged my eyes from watching hours of that show. what a good way
to spend a 3 day weekend, right? ima start the second one after
comps. (: man. i seriously cannot sleep. i know i said part of
my new year's resolution was to sleep early now. and i do that.
sortof. like you know before how i took naps till like. 8 at night
& then ended up sleeping at 2 or 3 cause of homework & useless
computer distractions? well. now i fall asleep without doing
homework at like. 8ish? or at a really weird early time and then
i wake up like, 1 or 2 ish. somewhere around there. and THEN i do hw
and my sleep wears off. and i can't fall asleep. -___- but i
stil have to memorize this spanish script for a presentation
today. i hate presentations. i dont even know if im gonna fall
asleep at all again. ahh, i dont remember one new year's
resolution that i've actually kept for the whole year.

you know, i'm actually becoming decent in rollerblading now? its
still scary sometimes how i can fall anytime, but its fun. &
its super. mind- freeing. you know? i'm listening to music from
imeem right now. i love that site! cause when i type in songs
to listen to and stuff, it shows songs similar to it or songs you
might like at the bottom. and for most of it, i DO end up liking.
i thought this post would be suuuper short. but i just keep
remembering all these stuff, haha. OH its homecoming today! i didnt
even know if i was gonna go, but then what the heck right? so i
invited my fatima friends since we haven't hung out in awhile.
arighhhhty then, lucky you for getting to read all of this. im
sure it was a perfect waste of your oh so precious time.