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Hi, i'm Claudine! Freshman at Whitney High School, reppin' the class of 2012. God, family, and friends mean the world to me. I love reading books, especially if they're interesting. I couldn't imagine life without music, it really is my therapy. Bonding makes my day & i appreciate people who go out of their comfort zone to act like their selves with no restraint.



May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 March 2011 May 2011


x x x x
Monday, February 23, 2009
♥ 11:16 PM


♥ 11:11 PM

my sister brought home the biggest size of
white gummy bear from jamba juice for me. :D

i was so unlucky today! firstt, it was raining &
i really thought we wouldn't have to run for pe.
but then like always, the sun came up just as we
were doing exercises. and then! i ran hard to get
rewards for the first one but then when we finished,
crissman was all, "you guys were loud in your warm
ups today, so no rewards." -_- so then i had to
force myself to keep running the last 2 laps. i wish
i swam with you guys, sarah & mary. =l

& then when we were on the way home, my sister
remembers that she forgot her book at school & she
had a test tomorrow and i got all mad at her cause
we were halfway home. but then right when we got back
to school, i remembered i left my math book in my
locker so i went to go get it. & then while waiting
for my dad to finish in the grocery store, i remembered
that i left my freaking science workbook.

i really thought i was gonna finish homework early today.
cause i started at like, 5 ish? but then i only finished
spanish & ive been trying to do history hw for 4 hours now.
and i still have so much homework. but i'm gonna suck it up.
i feel like i'm starting over! i'm done with all the drama
and you know what? it feels pretty freaking nice. :D

thank you in advance for the best sounding gift ever.

i SHOULD be excited, right?
... i'm not though.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
♥ 7:55 PM

i got my !@#$%^&*! ________ today!
most painful experience of my life.
i actually had tears going down my face D:
but i had a daring adventure ;D
so today wasn't that bad.

here's some stuff my sister found that made my day! x)



2) A Mom is driving her little girl to a friend’s house for a play date. “Mommy,” the little girl asks, “how old are you?”

“Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age,” the mother warns. “It is not polite.”

“Ok,” the little girl says. “How much do you weigh?”

“Now really,” the mother says, “these are personal questions, and really none of your business.”

Undaunted, the little girl asks, “Why did you and daddy get a divorce?”

“That is enough questions, honestly!” The exasperated mother walks away as the two friends begin to play.

“My Mom wouldn’t tell me anything,” the little girl says to her friend.

“Well,” said the friend, “all you need to do is look at her drivers license. It is like a report card—it has everything on it.” Later that night, the little girl says to her mother, “I know how old you are. You are 32.”

The mother is surprised and asks, “How did you find that out?”

“I also know that you weigh 140 pounds.” The mother is past surprise and shocked now.

“How in heaven’s name did you find that out?”

“And,” the little girl says triumphantly, “I know why you and daddy got a divorce.”

“Oh really?” the mother asks. “And why’s that?”

“Because you got an F in sex.”

hahahahha, yeah we're lame. :D

Saturday, February 14, 2009
♥ 2:12 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

You might have high hopes for Valentine's Day, yet your fantasies could be so overblown that you lose your sense of reality. Allowing others to help you define your limits today can be a really smart strategy, since you won't likely be able to do it on your own. Having someone on your team that can help you create healthy boundaries is not just a coveted luxury; it's necessary for your well being.

how's that for a horoscope for valentines day? -_-

did you guys see the google sign? i thought someone tried to hack it but then i just got that xo is for hugs and kisses. hahaha, im so stupid. x)

he's just not that into you wasn't that great. but the rain was amazing.

have a happy valentines day, guys.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
♥ 11:20 PM

the things we do when we get bored in confirmation. :D

realizations from today:

- i realized that even super young people can be JERKS

- i realized that now i need to make personalized grams
because i didn't have the money today to get grams for
2 more people i promised.

- i realized that i have issues with letting go.

- i realized that i'm gonna have a pretty fun experience
in pcn this year.

- i realized that someone could be talking to me for 2
hours and a single word wouldn't sink in.

- i realized that i yawned more than 20 times in
confirmation tonight.

- i realized that i get slower & slower when it comes to
understanding jokes. like michael, he was saying a joke in
confirmation and he was like, what was rihanna thinking when
chris brown beat her up? & he was like. SOS please someone
help me & i only got it like. 2 minutes after everyone figured
it out. -_- BUT. i only heard him say SO & not the last S so i
guess i would've figured it out faster if i just heard it. right? :)

- i realized that pineapples are bad for my health.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
unconditional lovin' ♥ 9:35 PM

today was pretty interesting, if i must say so myself! :D
so, it was early release day & we went rollerblading
to tc after. & it was pretty freaking scary cause i'm not
even good & it was my first time by the roads & stuff.
and we went into walmart & borders but we got kicked out
of walmart. haha. oh and you know how usually i never
tell my parents when i go somewhere, i just tell them what
time to pick me up from school? my mom called while we
were still in tc & told me to she was already there! & i
got so scared. and the freaking guys wouldn't give back mary
& sarah'sshoes. haha. but that was pretty fun. yeah, so we
kindasorta made it in time. i was just. 20 minutes late. x)

and then, my sisters & i went to our doctor's appointment.
and i was so ready to get my 3rd HPV shot but they said i
was 5 days early. :( but we ended up staying there for 3
hours cause we had physical checkups. i think that was THE
most awkward checkup i ever had in my entire life! but i
found out that my height can either still get to 4'11, 5'1,
or 5'3. and i'm pretty sure its safe to cross out 5'1 & 5'3.
so i'm gonna be short for the rest of my life. which really
kinda sucks. BUT I GREW 1/4 OF AN INCH! :D

oh & there was this really funny conversation while waiting
that made my day (: it goes a little something like this:

Claudine: Mommy, if we ever get pregnant early, not that i plan
to or anything, what are you gonna do?
Mom: I'm gonna kick you guys out. You shouldn't get pregnant
before you're married!
Claudine: WHAT?! you're gonna kick us out? really? but.. i
thought that you're always supposed to be there for me no
matter what!
Elaine: Yeah mom, its supposed to be unconditional love! WWJD,
mom. What Would Jesus Do?
Mom: Unfortunately, i'm not Jesus. My name is Maryanne.

HAHAHAHAHA. i love my mommy. :D but i really freaked out on the
kicking you out part. cause. hello. that's just sad. i dont know
if she meant it though or if she was just saying that to get us
not to do it. which i wont! i'm a good girl. :)

awe, i was supposed to go to confirmation today. & if i didnt
i'd have to go on thursday & we have pcn practice that day from like,
4-6 & confirmation is from 6:30-9. i dont even think i'm gonna end
up sleeping. -_- but yeah, the appointment made me miss it. :(

my sister printed out a bunch of coupons for free curly fries from
jack in the box! & now we have like 3 paper bags full. ohh, and
did you guys hear about the whole chris brown beating up rihanna
thing?! THAT IS SO FREAKING STUPID & FUCKED UP. & i really really
liked him too! he was like one of my favorite singers & he's so
young. >:O whatever reason he had definitely doesn't give him the
excuse to beat up a girl.

kay, i'm done. i think this got too long.

Monday, February 9, 2009
just a little bit caught in the middle ♥ 1:12 AM

Dear Sarah,

PLEASE STOP APOLOGIZING. its okay, i promise its not your fault.
i dont know, maybe if i was in your position, i would have done
the same thing? i understand about how you reacted though. but
i'm sorry too :( i should've picked up right away & listened and
stuff. i freaked. & i really thought you were sleeping though cause
you had to be tired from mexico.

-___- you really wanna continue the plan still, huh. fine. i'll
do it just for you cause you're so special ;D but YOU have to be
the one to ask him this time. & in advance so he can cancel any
future appointments. he'll say yes just cause its you. HAHA.

i'm sorry i got you in trouble! you know i had to listen to that
message twice because you sounded really sad & i thought someone
was hurting you :O i'm sorry i got your phone taken away right
when you got it back! i think getting other people's phones taken
away is something i've been getting good at. and thats not a good
thing. -___-

& don't believe any mean comments your dad makes about you! because
you are seriously, freakinnn amazing like no other. IM DEAD FREAKING
SERIOUS. okay? and whoever puts you down ima seriously kick their
butts. except for maybe your parents. cause. yeah..
and you're nowhere NEAR being mean, ugly, weird, and selfish!
maybe violent, but you know, that can be a good thing. like getting
that dollar from melon! haha, i'm just kidding. x)

i'm sorry i made you ______! if it makes you feel any better, i did too.
i seriously think i will have no eyes when you see me on tuesday. i
really missed you even if that weird ugly thing lasted for just a day. :(
i love you muchos, sarah zhang! & i never ever wanna do that weird ugly
thing with you again. <3

p.s did you see my post title ;D

This three day weekend was seriously wasted on me.
and i still have so much crap to do. i hate school.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
hi, my name is stupid. ♥ 3:21 PM

some girls say they wish they had that one guy to
prove to them that they're not all the same.

i guess i should consider myself lucky i had
someone to prove that they ARE all the same.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
♥ 10:44 PM

so i JUST started using the blogs i follow thing & its freakin' cool! & so much easier, cause before i just used to click on blogs to see who updated & not and it ended up taking alot of time. so kudos for that tool. (:

so life has been extremely boring lately. i hate how its all just the same routine every single day. it just seems like such a waste you know? how i just go through it. i know how everyone says, live life like there was no tomorrow, and there ARE some people who actually do that & i admire them for that. i just wish i could be like that you know? like. daring enough to do things i really want to do, but i can't cause its scary. but its harder when in the future you think of the what ifs & the what could've beens. so yeah. that's my new goal. to REALLY live life. :D

you know, yesterday & today, i took a nap from 4 ish to exactly 9:26 for both days! freaky, huh? man, i already broke my new year's resolution & it's only been a month. -__- oh, & now i have 2 student teachers! for math & history. we tried out mr. lee for history today & he's aighht. but i wanted stick with ms. collins. i think she's pretty tighht & she's a really good teacher. & then for math is that junker dude. is that how you spell his name? i can't believe half of our freshman year has already passed by. i guess people weren't lying when they said high school flew by. k, well i'm gonna go finish homework!

"Live the life you want to live,
be the person you would be proud of. Make
decisions, make mistakes.take chances,
a lot of them. because honestly, no matter
where you end up and with who, it always
ends up the way it should be. say how you
feel. always be you.. and be okay with it.
If you fall, at least you fell because you
tried ;;no regrets"