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Hi, i'm Claudine! Freshman at Whitney High School, reppin' the class of 2012. God, family, and friends mean the world to me. I love reading books, especially if they're interesting. I couldn't imagine life without music, it really is my therapy. Bonding makes my day & i appreciate people who go out of their comfort zone to act like their selves with no restraint.



May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 March 2011 May 2011


x x x x
Thursday, May 28, 2009
getting back up ♥ 4:45 PM

These past few days have been like a rollercoaster ride. & yeah, there were times when i felt like rock bottom but good thing i have you guys! because honestly, your words and advice and support, and just your presence makes me feel so much better. and yeah, i really do love our little blog family. sometimes i get too lazy to post stuff, but i always always always read what you guys write and i know you guys do the same, and it's just really comforting how we're all here for each other, like michelle said.

yes, i fucked up. yes, i deserved it. yes, i learned from it. yes, i'm getting back up. for a minute there i lost my inspirational "live these last few days up". but as i go through i realized that its so much easier to go through your day happy. because being down doesn't help one bit and i dont know about you guys but my mood is like, easily influenced by those around me. so i guess what im saying is, even when crappy things are happening in my life, if i try to be happy and normal and smiley and talk to people, things get better, and suddenly it doesn't really seem like its the end of the world anymore.

so thank you, for being there for me when everything seemed so hopeless. we've been through a lot of shitty crap, but i know this friendship's gonna last. i've got you, and you've got me through whatever, whenever. <3

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
life's a climb ♥ 7:30 PM

i don't know if i can do this anymore.
i don't know how much more i can take.
i don't know why i'm still thinking about this.
this phase should be over and done with.
but its just so easy to see it and so hard to end it.
but i really don't think this is healthy for me
anymore. so i'm gonna be strong and i'm gonna
do this for me. and this time, i really mean it.

*edit: so i just finished reading marissa's post. entitled the glass is half full, and i'm not even exagerrating, her words really hit me. hard. and i'm so inspired to just let go of everything that's bothering me now and to just ENJOY life. instead of being so happy that school ends in 16 days, i should be trying to spend time with the people i care about the most, because time goes by fast and it can be over just like that. i should take risks and appreciate the beauty in life. life isn't all about boys. its not all about attention, the drama, school, and its most definitely not all about me. life is about the moments you have, whether they're good or bad, and you know what, its not always going to be easy but i know i have people who are always going to be there, and for me, that's all that matteres. so thank you, for keeping me going. thank you for motivating me, for encouraging me, and for putting up for all my whiny moments. thank you for not giving up on me especially when you had every reason to. you know who you guys are. <3

Thursday, May 14, 2009
things i live for ♥ 11:16 PM

i wish i had a person in my life who doesn't care about ANYTHING.
not like not care about their families & friends or whatever, but like,
who doesn't care about what the rules are . someone who goes "screw it"
and actually has FUN. someone who dares to take a chance and REALLY
live life. i'm one to talk. ahahaha. naw, but foreal, that would be tight.
i find that my mood is highly influenced by those around me. so maybe..

ahh, i dont know anymore. i just want something new.
i got to school early today & i was literally just sitting there. staring at
the hands of the clock move. DO YOU KNOW HOW BORING
THAT IS?! yeah, pretty damn boring. and while i was sitting there,
i was just thinking about how i was wasting precious minutes of my life.
hahaha, yeah, i dont know where this is going.. but yeah.

- witness a miracle.
- make a difference in someone's life.
- save someone's life.
- ride that fire truck thing for kids around the mall.
- pull a fire alarm. [HAHAHA]
- for those of you that watched yes man? the last part where they have those roller things on their elbows, feet, back of knees & you just keep rolling & rolling? that looks really fun x)
- be thrown and passed around in a crowd.
- spend a night on the beach.
- climb a tree.
- climb that gate thing in school (:
-skateboard or rollerblade down the hill thing on the way to whitney!
- snort hot sauce.

& i can't think of any more. BUT I BET YOU I WONT ACCOMPLISH
ANYTHING ON THIS LIST! if you do one of these with me, i'd love you forever. (:

Monday, May 11, 2009
♥ 5:22 AM

S: i suck at playing sports.
C: not when you're playing for my heart!


i miss blogging! i've been so busy lately & everytime i go on blogspot there's like, 15 new  blogs i haven't read. ahaha. its fun to read though! so anyways. life has been pretty goood so far! like, i actually love it right now. yeah i know, shocking right? (:

so last week was hell week, and honestly i really WAS super tiring and crazy and all that stuff. like, everyday i would come home and just knock out and then freak out about homework the next morning. but it was SOOO worth it. i can't believe i regretted  joining. i miss PCN so muuch & if i could i would do hell week all over again. i got closer to so much people & idk, i haven't felt like this since michigan, and that's a pretty big deal for me. now i'm like, motivated to do super well in school so that my parents will let us join next year (: so that pretty much covers the whole of last week. OH & it was also fitness gram testing! i really thought i was gonna fail more than one, haha. it was pretty easy though.

then saturday was the actual PCN performance. we had to be at knotts at like 7 AM and we pretty much just did run throughs and hung out the whole day. i was soo nervous! but it was still really fun. under the blanket (; ahahahah goood times. woooow, i can't stop thinking about it. i can't wait till next year. YOU GUYS SHOULD ALL JOIN! :D

today. well technically yesterday, there was this FPSG event thing for mother's day at cerritos performing arts center. its so pretty over there! & yeah.  i wish i could've expressed it more to my mom, how much i love her and how i'm so so so grateful to have her. 

currently: trying to think of an interesting career to do. i'm so awake! the weird sleeping habits are coming back. i fell asleep at like, 7 and then woke up at 2 something. so many distractions. so many choices. you know what song i keep listening to now?! tonight- fm static! so goood.

SO, for those of you who read that edited part, i apologize. that was on impulse. i started thinking about how i have so much going for me right now, and i always always always focus on the bad stuff. i can't take things for granted anymore.. like, recently i heard that my sister's old classmate and his family died from a car accident. on the day of his prom. and it was so unreal, because he's so young. and he's about to graduate.  that just goes to show that someone can be taken just like that. i can't keep complaining anymore. so here's to living it up! <3

R.I.P Romey family. there's always a reason. I know God will take care of you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

i hope you had lots and lots of fun today, cutie,
and that all your birthday wishes come true! 
sorry, we had to pretend we were mad. 
but i dont think it really worked. hope you
enjoyed the videos though! i love you! <3
so today was one of those mondays.. yeah, THOSE. but then after school till night time was pretty fun! PCN practice wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. it was actually pretty fun! i had this really really really hyper moment for like, 15 minutes. in public. i really felt high, LOL. but i wasn't cause i'm a cleaaan kid (:  but yeah. i wish i can be like that everyday, because its seriously so fun and i forget everything sad & emo. and its just. i dont know, happy ish? 4 more days left till the actual performance! when i got home though, my feet were SO black and dirty and nasty! gross. why. are. rapunzels. so. fdsjkfhkjsdafhaskjd.

edited @ 2:32 AM
i cant sleeeeeeep. and i have homework to finish up. only 30 something more days of school left! :D

happiest place on earth! ♥ 1:03 AM

this weekend has been super busy and tiring, but it was all worth it cause i think it's the funnest i've had in awhile! (: so ima' do those weekend update thingies i always seem to end up doing since i dont blog regularly =/

- continuation of celebration of sister's birthday, went to cue with sisters! <3
- went out to thai bbq with like, 20 something friends of hers.
- cosmic bowling at cerritos lanes! that was the first time i've beeen. & it actually turned out to be pretty fun! yay for disco lights and loud music. :D got home at like, midnight- 1 ish?

- went to PCN practice from 9-10 AM.
- attended ate liezl's confirmation! 2 hours, daaang. that's what we have to go through next year.
- hung out with kairos in the house for a couple of hours. watched yes man, made random ass videos, pigged out like crazy, and more weird random stuff.
- FINALLY went to downtown disney! it's soo pretty over there, foreal. so the guys wanted to watch wolverine, and the girls wanted to watch 17 again, so we made a compromise and decided to watch fighting. it has channing tatum in it and there's like boxing and stuff so we decided it was fair. THERE'S A REASON WHY I NEVER HEARD OF IT. -_________________- i guess it was okaay, but i still think its a waste of $11. so then we walked around for a bit, toook pictures, and then we went to cerritos mall to go eat at red robin. their bottomless fries are so goood! especially with ranch sauce (: overall really really really fun day :D

- went to church, had visitors so we took them out to eat at sam woo.
- coldstone, cookie doughn't you want some all the way.
- went to the mall, and looked around. so many new stores! i haven't had the chance to really look though. SO EXCITED FOR THE 2 STORIES FOREVER 21! fun fun fun.
- back home & then  back to the mall to get mary's gift! :D i did not know that the mall closed at 7 on sundays -_____-
- mom got mad cause me and my sister were using laptops in the room right? and she hates it when we do that. and my sister was giving my mom attitude WHILE she was using the computer. and talking on the phone. so then my mom got even more mad and now she wants us to give her our phones everyday at 9 PM. and apparently, she's going to check our bill and see if we do anything after 9. joy.

& yeah. that's pretty much it. dang, i dont wanna go back to school. =(